Submitting an online application to obtain a permit for holding public events
Description of the service
Submitting an online application to obtain a permit for holding public events.
Sphere of the service
Licensing and Permits
Category of the service recipient
Individuals and legal entities
The organization
Khokimiyat of Fergana region
Address: A. Navoi street, house 15
Orient: hotel Asia
Bus stop: 6, 6а, 8, 8а, 20
Helpline: (0-373) 244-07-40
Documents required to get the service
approved public event program.
Legal basis for service provision
- Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures of further improvement of the procedures for organizing and holding public events» №205 dated July 29, 2014
- The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the procedures of providing public services to legal entities» №377 dated December 31, 2014
Cost and method of payment for the service
Free of charge.
Period of dealing with an application
15 working days.
Methods for obtaining results
The result of an online application is sent by the responsible employee of Khokimiyat of Tashkent city in electronic form by e-mail.
Result of the service
Getting the response of the decision whether to grant or to refuse to issue a permit for holding public event.
Reasons for refusal
A permit may be refused due to the following reasons:
- incomplete or incorrectly completed application form;
- non-compliance of the information provided;
Sending incomplete set of necessary documents, stated in paragraph 4.1;
- justified negative response from the commission based on non-compliance with fire systems, sanitary and anti-epidemic requirements, absense of medical assistance, evacuation, communication equipment, engineering and technical means of protection and other means and systems to ensure the safety of public
Order of appeal
An applicant has the right to appeal against the results of the poor-quality service, as well as the actions (or the acts of omission) of an official institution in the manner prescribed by law.