Gubernator of Fergana region
Khayrullo Xayitbayevich Bozarov
List of suppliers of products to the citizens, from the preferential credit allocated for the development of family entrepreneurship
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2024-09-01 15:03:50 882
In the lead-up to the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of our country's independence, 10 residents of the region who previously lacked citizenship were granted citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in accordance with a Presidential Decree.
During a ceremony held at the regional khokimiyat, they were ceremoniously presented with identification cards (ID cards).
At the event, the regional khokim, Khayrullo Bozorov, highlighted that, thanks to the initiative of our President, thousands of people have been given the opportunity to find a homeland, live in Uzbekistan with equal rights, and register their place of residence. He emphasized that today, these new citizens are working with joy and dedication towards the development of our country. Congratulating them on this momentous occasion, he expressed confidence in their continued hard work and commitment to the prosperity of our nation.
According to the relevant Presidential Decrees, from 2016 to August 2024, 3,390 people who had been living in the Fergana region without citizenship were granted citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On March 13, 2020, a new law, "On Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan," was enacted, introducing a procedure for recognizing stateless persons as citizens of Uzbekistan. As a result, 5,413 people living in the Fergana region without citizenship were recognized as citizens of Uzbekistan.
Speaking on behalf of the newly recognized citizens, they expressed their deep gratitude to the President for this remarkable act of humanity.
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