Gubernator of Fergana region
Khayrullo Xayitbayevich Bozarov
List of suppliers of products to the citizens, from the preferential credit allocated for the development of family entrepreneurship
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2024-09-04 13:25:11 651
This morning, as in all regions of our country, the "First Bell" ceremonies were held at educational institutions in the Fergana region.
The Governor of the region, Khayrullo Bozorov, attended the 46th school, newly built in the Ecocity of Fergana, where he presented the "President's Gifts" to first-graders and inspected the facilities of the school.
This school, with a capacity of 1,000 students, was constructed at a cost of 21 billion soums. Currently, 40 teachers are educating 563 pupils at the schools.
As a point of reference, there are 1,072 general education schools in our region (85 of which are private), serving nearly 700,000 pupils. This year, 72,836 children have enrolled in the first grade, with almost 3,000 of them attending non-state educational institutions. All first-grade students across the region have received 12 different types of "President's Gifts."