Gubernator of Fergana region
Khayrullo Xayitbayevich Bozarov
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At the vocational school specializing in agriculture, named after Lola Murotova and established in Ecocity, Fergana, through the initiative of our President, a vibrant "First Bell" ceremony was held under the slogan "One nation when united, one homeland when together"
During the festive event, regional governor Khayrullo Bozorov delivered a speech, congratulating everyone on the new academic year and the modern transformation of the vocational school. He emphasized that the attention given to quality education in our country stems from the importance of enabling young people to acquire knowledge and learn vocational skills.
Lola Murotova was a Hero of Uzbekistan, a distinguished agricultural worker honored in Uzbekistan, and a recipient of the "Respect of the Nation" and "For Selfless Service" orders.
The establishment of this vocational school in her name was initiated by our head of state, and the school has now begun admitting students. During his recent visit to our region, the President became acquainted with the school's operations and provided instructions to enhance the educational process.
As our President highlighted, Lola Murotova demonstrated the incredible capabilities of Uzbek women, while remaining humble and modest. Her dedication and hard work made a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of our country. These qualities should serve as an example to the youth, encouraging them to master their professions.
The event underscored the importance of immortalizing Lola Murotova's legacy, passing on her rich experience to future generations, and preparing mid-level specialists for the agricultural sector through this educational institution.
The governor also noted that qualified, experienced specialists and scholars from abroad would be invited to teach at the school, and the school's teachers would be sent to developed countries for experience exchanges.
The vocational school has a capacity of 480 students, offering training in seven different fields. The campus includes over thirty classrooms, seven laboratories, computer rooms, an auditorium for activities, and a museum. Additionally, there is a 150-bed dormitory, a sports hall, a mini-football field, a workshop, a greenhouse, and a driving range available for students.
Khayrullo Bozorov participated in the Independence Day lesson, where he informed the students about the recent reforms taking place in our country. He emphasized that knowledge and education are the greatest strengths in life and extended his best wishes to the first cohort of students at the new vocational school.