Gubernator of Fergana region
Khayrullo Xayitbayevich Bozarov

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2024-09-14 21:39:19 9900
Based on the Presidential Decree dated September 12, 2023, titled "On Further Improvement of State Management in the Field of Urban Planning and Measures to Approve the Urban Planning Documents for Settlements for 2023-2027," the "Uzshaharsanoat LITI" State Unitary Enterprise is developing the General Plan (revised version) for the city of Fergana.
The Governor of the region, Khayrullo Bozorov, reviewed the presentation of this project at the vocational school specializing in agriculture, named after Lola Murotova, located in the eco-city.
Currently, initial data has been collected, and a project proposal (draft design) has been developed. This proposal is being implemented in three main directions: first, the city's transportation structure; second, the division of the city into areas for renovation and conservation; and third, the designation of areas for reconstruction. The projects are nearing completion.
After reviewing the project, the regional leader provided instructions to further refine the city’s General Plan and to engage qualified specialists in this process. In particular, tasks were set to strengthen flood channels, lower the groundwater levels, conduct comparative analyses for each aspect of the General Plan, and increase the number of green public parks.