Gubernator of Fergana region
Khayrullo Xayitbayevich Bozarov
List of suppliers of products to the citizens, from the preferential credit allocated for the development of family entrepreneurship
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2024-09-18 11:36:35 629
The Governor of the Region, Khayrullo Bozorov, received Chinese investors led by Wu Hong Qiang, head of the Chinese company Jianhua Ceramics.
During the meeting, the progress of a major investment project by Jianhua Ceramics, focused on the production of ceramic products and tiles in the "Kokand" Free Economic Zone, was discussed. The project has attracted $50 million in direct investment from the Chinese investors, with $40 million worth of work completed to date.
Expressing gratitude for the comprehensive support provided to the project, Wu Hong Qiang, the head of Jianhua Ceramics, reported that production equipment from China is currently being delivered and installed by specialists. He also requested assistance from the regional leadership in resolving issues related to raw material supply.
The Governor assured that the issue would be resolved in coordination with the relevant ministry.
Additionally, the meeting included discussions on organizing visits by prominent Chinese entrepreneurs who have shown interest in investing in various sectors of the region.